1. Introduction
The CCW includes over 17.000 taxa names, covering all genera, subgenera, species, subspecies, and synonyms for the
families Cylindrotomidae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae, and Tipulidae (Insecta, Diptera, Nematocera, Tipuloidea). For all
species and subspecies it includes:
- the distribution, specified in countries, and for the larger countries, states, provinces,
- a reference citation for most of the important details in which it differs from the printed regional
catalogues (for overview of the printed catalogues see under 5.1).
- reference citation for all figures and relevant information published by C.P. Alexander, F.W.
Edwards (westpalaearctic excepted), G. Theischinger, and as published in most of the fairly recent papers.
It has to be mentioned here thatalthough for all recognized species and subspecies the distribution is given
as accurate and up-to-date as possibleprocessing of all relevant information is far from complete. New
papers are processed upon arrival but, except for Alexander, Edwards, and Theischinger, the large majority of
the papers published before 1992 has still to be looked at, a process that will take several decades.

The author of the CCW,
Pjotr Oosterbroek
Thanks to Ruud Altenburg (ETI
BioInformatics), the website has been developed in such a way that it should be self-explaining,
including the download possibility in Excel. Nevertheless, we hope that visitors and users will contact
us about comments and additions in orde to improve the functionality as well as the content of the CCW.
It is thanks to mental support by Tinde van Andel (NLBIF) and financial support
from GBIF that the CCW could be made available on the web (ECAT
grant 20040301-02).
Pjotr Oosterbroek
e-mail: p.oosterbroek@chello.nl
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